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7 Tips for Your First Call with an Insurance Adjuster


The aftermath of an accident can be chaotic, especially if you sustained any injuries as a result. During this hectic period, it is vital you keep a cool head and stay focused on getting the compensation you deserve. Many people self-sabotage their own accident cases by saying or doing the wrong things when speaking to the opposition’s insurance adjuster. Avoiding these pitfalls is crucial for you and your loved ones to obtain the most successful outcome possible.

Before you pick up the phone, consider the following helpful tips when speaking to an insurance representative:

  • Do not share anything until you have confirmed the person you are speaking to is a legitimate insurance adjuster. Collect their information if possible.
  • Give limited personal information, as the representative only needs to know the basics such as where you live, what you do for a living, etc. He or she does not have the right to further details such as your income, schedule, or personal life.
  • Keep the details of the accident or your injury private. Politely refuse if asked any specific questions beyond the basics.
  • Remain as calm and polite as possible. Expressing frustration or anger may turn the adjuster against you.
  • Do not give any recorded statements, even if the adjuster insists. You are not legally obligated to agree and what you say can and will be used against you.
  • Beware of any negative comments from an adjuster who wants you to believe your claim is worthless. Do not take his or her word for it.
  • No matter what, do not settle immediately. Resist the adjuster’s attempts to quickly settle your case as the first offer is almost always lower than what you deserve.

Trusted Personal Injury Attorney Tirelessly Advocating on Behalf of the Injured

Have you been injured in an accident due to another individual’s negligence or recklessness? Now is the time to maximize your chances of obtaining the compensation you are entitled to. With a strongminded and experienced injury lawyer on your side, such as ours at The Law Offices of David Henderson, rest assured your needs will be met as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Call (888) 295-6566 to schedule an initial case evaluation with our a member of our firm today.
